Axiom Prism Neutron Trance (170-174g) - 2024 OTB Open Phase 2
Marm.O.Set brings the beat with art that will have you hypnotized throw after throw, and always wanting an encore. The Trance - debuting here in Prism Neutron plastic - is a reliable, slightly understable fairway driver that fits a really useful niche in Axiom’s lineup at a workable 8 | 5 | -2 | 1. Lower power players will have found their ideal fairway driver for straight-to-fade flights, and higher power players will find this to be a mesmerizing hyzer-flip dream. Fall into your own groove with the 2024 OTB Open Prism Neutron Trance!
The Trance is the newest disc from MVP's lineup and is being released as part of the 2023 OTB Open Special Edition discs. It is a slightly understable fairway driver that will be a good choice for Hyzer flips and hitting tight gaps. Be one of the first to get your hands on this new disc and order now.
Flight Ratings: Speed 8, Glide 5, Turn -2, Fade 1.
About the plastic: Prism Neturon has a great feel in the hand
Flight Ratings: